Kidney Stones Reasons : Kidney is one of the most important organisms in our body. It works to clean the blood and remove toxins. But there can be a problem of kidney stone due to poor lifestyle and lack of proper food. This can be quite painful, which can cause problems in urination and unbearable pain in the stomach. If not paid attention to time, it can also be serious.
According to a report published in the National Library of Medicine, in 2019, 11.5 crore people in the world were struggling with the problem of kidney stone. According to a report by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, more than 12% of people in India have kidney stone. In such a situation, let us know what are the biggest causes of kidney stones and what mistakes you can avoid this problem …
1. Lack of water in the body
Lack of water in the body is the biggest reason for kidney stones. When the dehydration does not drink enough water, the minerals and salt present in the urine start freezing, causing stones to form. So drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Coconut water, lemonade and herbal drinks should be consumed.
2. Diet with more salt and protein
3. Excess of calcium and oxalate
Foods such as spinach, tea, chocolate and nuts contain high amounts of oxalate, which can make a stone with calcium in the kidney. Therefore, oxalate-Foods should be consumed in balanced quantity and before taking calcium supplements, please consult a doctor.
4. Drinking more soda and cold drinks
Soda and cold drinks contain phosphoric acid and high sugar, which can damage the kidney. Due to this, the risk of becoming a stone may increase. So instead of drinking these drinks, drink lemonade or coconut water. Include herbal juice and herbal tea in the diet.
5. Keep urine stopping
Many people stop urin for a long time, due to which toxins accumulate in the kidneys and gradually start to form stones. So never stop it when urinating and drink plenty of water. This will keep urin clean and reduce the risk of kidney stone.
6. Obesity and wrong lifestyle
Obesity and poor lifestyle are also a major cause of kidney stone. Especially those who reduce physical activity, this problem is seen more. Therefore, weight control should be kept daily by exercising daily. Healthy and balanced diet should be adopted.
7. Vitamin CD is high
Consumption of vitamin C and D can increase calcium levels in the body, which increases the risk of kidney stone. Therefore, before taking vitamin supplements, please consult a doctor. Try to get vitamins from natural sources.
8. Genetic and Medical Condition
If someone in your family has had a problem of kidney stone, then you may also be at risk. Apart from this, many medical conditions like diabetes, high BP, kidney cysts, obesity, osteryoporosis and gout also increase the risk of kidney stone. So do health checkup regularly. According to the advice of the doctor, improve diet and lifestyle.
Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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